Friday, August 20, 2010

August 20- aka the end of week one

Today was the best day all week...and not just because it was Friday. I felt that the day went smoother, the routines and transitions were better, and we had our first special, P.E., which gave us a 45 minute reprieve. Mr. Foster had me take over and correct the morning worksheet with the children. This pushed me up in front of the class and helped move me out of the role of someone there to help to someone in charge. Mr. Foster actually had to leave the class to deal with something which honestly helped take the jitters out of getting up front. When he returned he let me continue to lead the worksheet correction and only jumped in to add helpful comments.
The children were a little surprised when I started asking, "You are doing this?", but once I began they fell right in and were very interactive. That would be the one thing I would like to change, I felt I did not interact quite as personable as I would have liked and it came off a bit stiff.

In the afternoon, after lunch, Mr. Foster was needed in the office to assist with one of the machines and I again took control of the class. This transition was seamless and none of the kids even looked twice. The work was a continuation of the work we were doing right before lunch and they seemed amiable to do it. I assisted with the work and managed the classroom which I felt went very well for the entire time. I was able to redirect the children causing issues and kept the children on task. When Mr. Foster came back in, we both continued the work and there did not seem to be any lag or jump in the work.

I felt that the change of the children's attitude towards me started when Mr. Foster had me take the children down to P.E. first thing in the morning. I am not sure if Mr. Foster really had to "leave" in the morning or not, but I am glad that he helped push me into the front of the room. I am not 100% ready to go, but that gave me a big boost of confidence.

Next week will be a new set of tests and a chance, should I take it, to step out even farther. My goal is to be leading a subject after the labor day break.


  1. Hi Mathew, I think it is great that Mr. Foster is letting you take charge so early on. He must have confidence in you! Congratulations.Have a great week, Kimmer
