Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 18th aka First Day

Well, today was the first day of school and I survived. I did not lose any children, lose my head nor send any children home crying.

I felt that today was good. The pace went along fairly quickly and we seemed to barely get through one topic when we were on to the next. Mr. Foster kept good control of the class and managed the many personalities so well. I definitely learned a lot today in that regards.

I need to put forth more confidence in my own abilities and step in and do more. Mr. Foster is gently pushing me forward and demonstrates confidence in me that I do not have for myself yet.

I am going to start working on getting more involved and learning the facility and layout even more so that I can do a better job of supporting Mr. Foster and gaining the confidence to do more.

Tomorrow is another day, hopefully better than today, but not as good as the next.

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