Thursday, August 19, 2010

August 19

Today went pretty well. I felt that the transitions went much smoother today. The kids seemed to do much better today as well and the behaviors seemed to be more at ease.

We got a new little girl today that is a bit of a handful as she seems to be a bit socially lacking. I felt today that I spent more time coralling her and making sure she did not disrupt the class. I felt that I did not interact with the class as much as the first day. Mr. Foster noticed this as well and said that I did a good job dealing with her.

I think that tomorrow as we put in place the behavior chart and become more strict with how we deal with them and some of the issues will go away which will allow me to become more involved in class. I also need to walk away from the problem children sometimes and let them be a problem as long as they are not being overly disruptive.

I had an issue with the personal shield that the children did for themselves. The four parts were "Home, Family, School and Community" Many of the children, especially the ESL children had a difficult time with concept of "Community". I think if I did this again I would use "Friend" instead.

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