Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 21- "My class"

Mr. Foster did DRAs today so he called in a sub to work since I am not on the sub list. I volunteered to come all day to help out the sub, and Mr. Foster thought it would be good experience for me to lead the class. When the sub showed up (late at 8:50), Mr. Foster explained to the sub the plan and left me "My class."

The day went fairly well. I knew many of the kids were going to push the boundaries to test the waters. The morning was a bit rough, but I managed to work through it. It was mainly one child that disrupted the flow of the class and I expelled to much energy to keep her in line, which really failed to be honest. Though I felt better when the VP couldn't control her any better. (Is that wrong?)

The afternoon went smoother when that one child was pulled out for her out of class tutoring anyways. We got through the day, I kept on task and we finished 98% of the work. I was pleased with my first real "solo" outing. I know there was a sub in there, but he did not do much, the easiest $120 he ever made I am sure.

I did ask his feedback since he was a former teacher and he gave me a couple of criticisms that I now realize I need to work on. The primary of which is using the same language that the children are being presented in their work so as to eliminate any confusion.

Overall a good day though Mr. Foster said I looked a bit frazzled by days end when he came back. I don't feel frazzled, but I know I am concerned if I was able to complete all the work and keep everything in line.

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