Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 16th- Ashlock Training

I went to the first day of Ashlock Training. It went well and I learned a lot. i know that we will not be able to implement everything, but there are many steps and methods that may prove beneficial. We have one more day of training next week (Thursday).

Essentially the training implements a 10-15 minutes segment of regimental learning and reading strategies in which children learn how to read "new" words through phonics (phonetics), patterns, sound blends, etc. The teacher uses charts of words, sounds and multisybalic words to reinforce the learning process by demonstrating the new words, adding in old words with similar sound text and repetition.

These are the same basic methods that were used to teach me to read when I was a child, just put in a more direct regimented approach.


  1. Is there a curriculum or text to support the training?

  2. Yes, there is text. I have a rather large three ring binder that I will bring into class in two weeks.
    I also am doing another phonics training that has a more direct curriculum.
